Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Oh Holy-Day!

Sabtu minggu kemarin, Niners (minus ebo) akhirnya bisa ngumpul bareng lagii! Kita jalan2 ke bandung sekalian traktiran ayas-debi-joan-dika-tikoy. And that was a great great holyday!

Saturday, December 11, 2010


Goosh! I can't believe what I did today!hahaha..
Ternyata berhasil juga. Rencananya mau bikin kolase yg berbentuk hati dari tangan2 gw buat anniversary gw dan my 'sweet' boy. Harusnya gw bikin selasa kemarin tapi ga jadi2 akhirnya baru tadi pagi (diulang: TADI PAGI) buru2 minta bantuin ka ia buat motoin. hahahha.. Dan seharusnya full foto d framenya tapi berhubung banyak yg gagal jadinya malah menciut begini.. :( dan diliat2 lagi ko malah mirip muka kucing ya bentuknya?huhuhuhu...:((

Tapi ya udahlah..segini jg lumayan daripada ga ada.hehehe..

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY Abduh Gopalla! I can't tell anything, I don't know, I just.. confused!hahaha..

But, still I LOVE YOU!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

On a shiny day

Hari ini gw mendapatkan pelajaran dari suatu hubungan."A TRUST"

Seorang teman baik cerita 'bout her complicated love. Her heart was broke and feeling so sad.
I started to listening and give her a spirit. Yeah I know the feeling. It's hurts to know someone who you love tell lies on you. When you give him a chance but instead he reapeat his bad habbit.
Suatu hubungan yang baik memang harus dilandasi oleh kepercayaan. Dan kalau kepercayaan itu dikhianati, you know what will happen after that. Everythings gonna happen.

Disisi lain gw senang bisa membantunya untuk sharing. Seperti yang orang orang bilang having a person to understand is better than many others who leave in hard condition.
That's what friends are for,rite?

To make them feel comfort with you, even you can't give your shoulder or hug her, you can show your sympathy with another way. For example, you can make a joke. Laughter is the best medicine. Makes she smile is the best result. :)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Mini Me

Entah ada angin apa kemarin sore waktu lagi kkd, gw malah corat coret d kertas bikin beginian. Awalnya cuma gambar gw doang, tapi lama2 jadi gambar anak2 juga gara2 mereka ngeliat gw nunduk aja daritadi (padahal lg coret2 kertas). hehe..

Begitu jadi, ayas sama wita malah sibuk moto2in g
ambar gw. Ketawan lah sama dr. Hendrawan. hehe...jadi malu...:#p

And these are my sketch after edited with PS. It just took 1 hour to fix them. :)

I felt so weird with the 4th pic. Yeah..that's me. Mini me.
I didn't know why my head being squashed like that (okay, I draw it). Just like hidrocephalus.

Sorry if it still far from perfect. But I like it. :)


I'm not that interest with boots or anything like a rockstar style. But lately, I heart these boots so much!
Marc by Marc Jacobs
Swedish Hasbeens
Forever 21

Marc by Marc Jacobs
Forever 21

Sunday, October 3, 2010

"If you can't prove your promise, don't say it to me"

Friday, September 3, 2010

Counting Days!

WOHOOO!! I'm back!

Udah lama ga buka2 blog gara2 siklus kkd (keterampilan kedokteran dasar) padet banget. Masuk pagi pulang jam 1 nyampe kosan langsung tepar malemnya belajar. Masuk siang ngantuk2an pulang magrib tepar juga. Tapi kadang bukannya belajar gw malah ketiduran. Skill lab sekarang emang ga ada matinya. Disaat anak2 kuliah libur, kita malah tetep masuk. -____-, Makanya weekend bener2 harus dimanfaatin banget sekarang. We really need to feel relax after a hectic day! Harus diisi sama jalan2 ato tiduran. hehehe.... :p

And when we get bored in the room, we always take a picture and make a silly pose